How to Setup Dynmap with MySQL Print

  • 14

Dynmap is a plugin that allows you to set up a web-browser map of your server's worlds which players can use as a map to traverse your server, find in-game landmarks, see player locations and more! Through this plugin, it can support multiple storage methods. One of those is MySQL which allows you to keep your Dynmap files in a separate storage, reducing storage usage.

To setup Dynmap with MySQL: 

1. Go on your control panel and start by ensuring Dynmap has been installed and setup on your server by using this guide.

2. Once Dynmap has been setup, stop your server and ensure that is fully offline.

3. With the server offline, create a MySQL database by using this guide.
Once a MySQL database has been created, keep this page open in a separate tab on your browser and open a new tab for your control panel.

4. On the new tab for your control panel, on the left side enter your server's FTP File Access and then click the following folders:
plugins --> Dynmap --> configuration.txt (you will need to edit the configuration.txt file)

5. In the Dynmap configuration.txt file, scroll down to around line 22 and you should see a storage: section. 

6. Under this storage: section, add a # in front of the type: filetree setting like this:

#type: filetree

7. Below that, locate the setting #type: mysql. Below that, you'll also see #hostname: localhost, #port: 3306, #database: dynmap, #userid: dynmap, #password: dynmap, #prefix: "", and #flags: "?allowReconnect=true". You will need to remove the #(hashtag) before each of these settings like this:

hostname: localhost
port: 3306
database: dynmap
userid: dynmap
password: dynmap
prefix ""
flags: "?allowReconnect=true"

Ensure that the spacing before these settings remains(two spaces). This ensures that the settings remain properly formatted for the configuration.txt file.

8. It's now time to fill in those Dynmap settings with your database settings. Below, we've included an example database and the Dynmap MySQL settings filled in based on this database.


The Dynmap port will always be 3306.
port: 3306 

: server_9999_copyhere

userid: server_766669


Set the prefix to 3-4 characters that abbreviate Dynmap such as dyn.
prefix "dyn"

The flags settings will not need to be modified.

9. With those settings in place, ensure you click Save to save those changes, exit your FTP File Access(FTP), and then start your server.

Upon starting up, your Dynmap will now be using MySQL storage!

Need assistance setting up Dynmap with MySQL?

Submit a ticket to our Plugins department and a plugin agent will assist you will walk you through getting that setup! If you own or purchase one of our Server Management packs, we can set that up for you within your ticket! You can learn more here!

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