Rust allows you to add a header image for your server! The header image is a great way to show what your server is about before a player joins. The header image appears when you click on the server in the in-game Rust server list.
Preparing the Image Header for your Rust Server
The image must be 512x256 in size.
The image must be uploaded to a public image sharing website, such as Imgur.
Once uploaded, copy your Imgur image's link.
You can use a website such as ResizeImage to resize an image to 512x256.
For that website, scroll down to "Resize your image". Uncheck "Keep Aspect Ratio" and set the size to 512x256 . Finally, click "Resize Image" at the bottom to resize your image.
Adding an Image Header to your Rust Server
Go on your Rust server's control panel.
On your Rust server's control panel, click "FTP File Access" to open your server's FTP.
In your server's FTP, locate the file "". Click to edit this file.
In your "" file, locate the "headerImage=" setting.
In the "headerImage=" setting, paste your Imgur image's link. Example:
headerImage= -
Now, add .jpg to the end of that link. Example:
headerImage= -
Once done, click "Save File" and exit your server's FTP.
Finally, on your control panel click "Restart" to restart your server.
Now, when you view your Rust server through the Rust in-game browser, you will be able to see the header image you added! This will allow you to add some personality to your server listing and distinguish your server from others when players are looking for the right server to play on!
Rust header image not loading? Submit a ticket to our General Support department, or contact our Live Chat and we would love to assist you!