Factorio's generation settings allow you to customize aspects of your Factorio world. This includes your overall world settings and ore generation settings. This allows for new and unique ways to play on your Factorio server!
To change your Factorio generation settings, please see the following steps:
Go on your server's control panel and click Stop to stop your server.
Once your server is fully offline, click FTP File Access to enter your server's FTP.
In your server's FTP, go to the location /factorio-experimental/data or /factorio-stable/data.
In the data folder, locate the files map-gen-settings.example.json and map-settings.example.json.
Select both of those files and then at the top of your webFTP, click Rename.
When renaming those files, remove the .example in the file's name.
That would make the file's names:
Once those have been renamed properly, click Save to save those changes.
Now that those files have been renamed, you can click to edit the map-gen-settings.json and map-settings.json.
In these files, you can change your map settings and map generation settings.
After making changes, click Save File on these files.
After changing these files, it is recommended that you reset your Factorio save to allow for a brand new save file to generate using your newly made settings. To reset your Factorio save, do the following:
On your control panel, ensure your server is still offline.
Next, on your control panel click Backup and take a backup of your server. This will allow you to restore your previous Factorio save at any time.
Once a backup has been taken, go back to your control panel and then click FTP File Access.
In your server's FTP, click the saves folder.
In the saves folder, locate your Factorio .zip save file. Your Factorio save file will be named the same name as what your world_name setting is set to your Factorio server properties file(If your world_name setting was set to World, your Factorio save would be named World.zip).
Select that Factorio .zip save file and then click Delete at the top of your FTP.
Afterward, click Yes, Delete permanently! to confirm the deletion of that Factorio save.
Once that Factorio save has been deleted, click Back to Control Panel to exit your server's FTP.
Finally, click Start on your control panel. Your server will now come online, using the map generation and settings you made for your new Factorio save!
You have now successfully changed the Factorio map generation and settings!
If you experience any issues while changing your Factorio generation settings, please submit a ticket to our General Support department for further assistance!