Minecraft Gamerules and How to Change Them Print

  • 39

For Minecraft: Java Edition and Minecraft: Pocket Edition, gamerules are supported. These gamerules allow you to change in-game world options to customize your server experience. Java Edition and Pocket Edition support different gamerules which can be found below.

To change Minecraft gamerules:

1. Join your server and ensure you're Op(using this guide for Java Edition or this guide for Pocket Edition).

2. Once you're Op, you can now run this command in-game to change a gamerule:
/gamerule <gamerule name> <true/false>

For example, you would be able to disable mob spawning in-game by using this command:
/gamerule doMobSpawning false

Please note that the commands and gamerules are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown below.


Gamerule Name Description Default Value Java Edition Bedrock Edition
announceAdvancements Whether advancements should be announced in chat. true Yes No


Whether command blocks should be enabled in-game. true No Yes
commandBlockOutput Whether command blocks should notify admins when they perform commands. true Yes Yes
disableElytraMovementCheck Whether the server should skip checking player speed when the player is wearing elytra. Often helps with jittering due to lag in multiplayer, but may also be used to travel unfairly long distances in survival mode(cheating). false Yes No
disableRaids Whether raids are disabled. false Yes No
doDaylightCycle Whether the day-night cycle and moon phases are progress. true Yes Yes
doEntityDrops Whether entities that are not mobs should have drops. true Yes Yes
doFireTick Whether fire should spread and naturally extinguish. true Yes Yes
doInsomnia Whether phantoms can spawn in the nighttime. true No Yes
doLimitedCrafting Whether players should be able to craft only those recipes that they've unlocked first. false Yes No
doMobLoot Whether mobs should drop items. true Yes Yes
doMobSpawning Whether mobs should naturally spawn. Does not affect mob spawners. true Yes Yes
doTileDrops Whether blocks should have drops. true Yes Yes
doWeatherCycle Whether the weather can change. true Yes Yes
drowningDamage Whether the player should take damage when drowning. true No Yes
fallDamage Whether the player should take fall damage. true No Yes
fireDamage Whether the player should take fire damage. true No Yes
keepInventory Whether a player should keep items in their inventory after death. false Yes Yes
logAdminCommands Whether to log admin commands to server log. true Yes No
maxCommandChainLength Determines the number at which the chain of command block acts as a "chain". 65536 Yes Yes
maxEntityCramming The maximum number of other pushable entities a mob or player can push, before taking 3 suffocation damage per half-second. Setting to 0 disables the rule. Damage affects survival-mode or adventure-mode players, and all mobs but bats. Pushable entities include non-spectator-mode players, any mobs except bats, as well as boats and minecarts. 24 Yes No
mobGriefing Whether creepers, zombies, endermen, ghasts, withers, ender dragons, rabbits, sheep, villagers, and snow golems should be able to change blocks and whether mobs can pick up items. true Yes Yes
naturalRegeneration Whether the player can regenerate health naturally if their hunger is full enough (doesn't affect external healing, such as golden apples, the regeneration effect, etc.). true Yes Yes
pvp Whether the player can fight with other players. true No Yes
randomTickSpeed How often a random block tick occurs (such as plant growth, leaf decay, etc.) per chunk section per game tick. 0 disables random ticks, higher numbers increase random ticks. Setting to a high integer results in high speeds of decay and growth (setting this too high can cause severe server lag).

1 (Pocket Edition)

3 (Java Edition)

Yes Yes
rducedDebugInfo Whether the debug screen shows all or reduced information; and whether the effects of F3+B (entity hitboxes) and F3+G (chunk boundaries) are shown. false Yes No
sendCommandFeedback Whether the feedback from commands executed by a player should show up in chat. Also affects the default behavior of whether command blocks store their output text. true Yes Yes
showCoordinates Whether the player's coordinates are displayed. true No Yes
showDeathMessages Whether death messages are put into chat when a player dies. Also affects whether a message is sent to the pet's owner when the pet dies. true Yes Yes
spawnRadius The number of blocks outward from the world spawn coordinates that a player spawns in when first joining a server or when dying without a personal spawnpoint (plugins may affect this). 10 Yes No
specatorsGenerateChunks Whether players in spectator mode can generate chunks. true Yes No
tntExplodes Whether TNT explodes after activation. true No Yes

Experiencing issues changing the gamerules on your server? You can contact our Live Chat team or submit a ticket for help!

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