How to add admins on a 7 Days to Die server Print

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Making a player an admin on your 7D2D server will allow them to use ingame commands, and access to admin features.

Setting an Admin:

  1. This is done in the "serveradmin.xml", found in this directory: 
  2. Once you have found this file, select the "Edit" option in the middle right. You can now modify the file. You will need to find the section "</admins>" within this file and start a new line below it.
  3. Paste the following on that line: <admin steamID="STEAM64ID" name="AnyName" permission_level="0" />
    • Replace the STEAM64_ID with the player's Steam64ID of which you wish to be admin. You can use SteamIO to locate your Steam64ID!
    • You can set the 'name' to anything you like, this is displayed only.
  4. Once done, at the bottom click "Save/Exit" and restart your server to apply the changes!

If you experience any issues editing your 7 Days to Die server's settings, please contact our support team for assistance!

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